A MINDFULNESS Program We move, create, and explore The Arts!
Bring The Little Yogis Program and vibe to your facility!
A MINDFULNESS Program We move, create, and explore The Arts!
Bring The Little Yogis Program and vibe to your facility!
Bring The Little Yogis Program and vibe to your facility!
Bring The Little Yogis Program and vibe to your facility!
The Little Yogis Program is bursting through every crevice and corner with opportunities for each student to find their voice and actually have the opportunity to use it too. Our program is designed to build confidence and esteem through art, singing, yoga, and dancing. Being self expressive is not a requirement here, it's a desire brought through the program by the students.
Our program is full of love, empathy, kindness, and fun. Where a child knows they are safe, nurtured, and truly is seen and heard--- you can't pry them away. The Little Yogis Program has an amazing village of staff, parents, and partners that take so much pride in creating this loving environment for all students.
Has life reminded you, often, of how different you are? Now, do you remember that feeling of being different as a child? (Written by a true left-handed person)!! The Little Yogis program is an all inclusive. We embrace diversity. We see each student for who they are and provide a tailored approach to opportunities to help them shine. It is truly amazing to be proud of what makes you unique. We are the out of the box crew. Are we offbeat, on just on our own beat? What is quirky--- besides a really insanely, cool person with wit and joy! I hope that made you smile, the students would have totally laugh at that, then broke out in an acapella Broadway number. That's us!
We inspire social and peer bonding. We stimulate learning, self awareness, effective communication, problem solving, emotional regulation, and coping skills through teaching empathy and mindfulness in real life scenarios and motivating intentional conversations.
Being active is not only a mood lifter, but it's also a way of expression, and one of the best remedies to a healthier mind and body. We encourage kids to get their move on and be phsyically active. We help them conceptualize the link between movement with energy and learning. We help them to begin to identify the cues our bodies give us about what's happening within ourselves. Whether a short nature walk, a downward dog, or a moment to release their wiggles, we help kids start to identify the feelings, thoughts, and emotions in our minds an bodies.
When it's all summed up, we are a program where child-like and playfulness is encouraged, where learning is source for uplifting, where meditation and self-control is our super powers, and fun is a requirement!
For us, yoga is "UNION"! So that means you are practicing yoga when you are uniting the mind and the body, when you are connecting, making friends, building community with others, when you are uniting with your breath, when you are moving and grooving with gratitude--- this is Yoga and this is The Little Yogis Way!
We are committed to upholding the true nature of the practice of yoga. What is the true nature of yoga? Being Yourself, taping into all the "feels" and what they mean, learning and applying coping/life skills, being active, being still and union--
Coming as you are!
Toddler, kid, tween, and teen yoga classes
Copyright © 2023 The Little Yogis - All Rights Reserved.
Be Kind. Listen. Have fun!
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